So you’re wondering if you’re 

Well, my friend, you’ve finally landed in the right place. Welcome.

So you’re wondering if you’re 

Well, my friend, you’ve finally landed in the right place. Welcome.

85% of women suffer from perimenopause symptoms
and most do it entirely alone.

  • If you don’t feel at home in your body lately and when you pass by a mirror you almost don't recognize yourself inside or out anymore...
  • ​If you are being dragged down by weight gain, mood swings, hot flashes, insomnia and unrelenting fatigue...
  • ​If you are frustrated with the lack of support or the dated recommendations you’re getting and are frankly over “just getting through it”...

Well firstly, you are so very FAR from being alone and secondly you actually arrived at the opportunity to get clarity, community and empowered with the knowledge to regain control of your health.

If you suspect you’re in PERIMENOPAUSE but are feeling lost and overwhelmed and lack support…

Then I’ve got you! Peri Collective is the solution you’ve been waiting for.

With 15 years + of clinical experience in this specialized area of women’s health and over 1000 patients served, I use the latest evidence with clinical anecdotes and insights to deliver this powerful program.

With effective and simple resources, tools and guidance, the busiest women transiting through perimenopause get their health and lives back.


👋 Hi, I’m Dr. Kirsten Smith, Women’s Health Warrior, Advocate and Hormone Expert.

I’m a board-certified naturopathic doctor in Ontario, Canada, and for over 15 years I have helped over 1000 women going through their perimenopausal years to get their hormones and their health optimized. I also work one on one with perimenopausal patients for about 30 hours per week. 

I am registered in good standing with the Therapeutics and Prescribing Authority through the College of Naturopaths of Ontario and am an active member of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors, and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.

I am the resident Women’s Health expert for Kaylo Life, a UK-based company dedicated to expanding community wellness through various live and digitally-based programs and journeys.

For a decade, I worked with a medical doctor who has 30 years of experience in women’s health. Together we offered fully integrated care merging naturopathic and conventional medical approaches and developed evidence-based skills in prescribing HRT. 

This provided a medical residency experience that significantly contributed to the breadth and depth of my knowledge base making me a leader in this area of women’s health.


Drawing on my expertise and honed through my integrative approach to healthcare, I have created comprehensive treatment solutions and recommendations that incorporate evidence-based practices from various areas of wellness in my scope of practice including:

Nutrition, botanical medicine, prescription medications (for example HRT), lifestyle medicine, and mindset health.

Why did I create the Program and why this program?

The short answer is that I am desperate to help many more women than I can in a clinical 1:1 setting. There is a massive gap in this area of women’s health care, and I aim to be a part of the solution. 

I’ve spent years feeling deeply frustrated at the state of women’s health care — specifically when hormones are involved, which drove me to find a way to make a BIGGER IMPACT. Too many women are suffering for years and years needlessly, and I want this to stop.

Peri Collective also allows me to convey so much more information than I’m able to convey in the traditional 1:1 doctor-patient setting AND I can impact so many more women because it is much more affordable than seeing me 1:1. It just makes a lot of good sense.  

And finally, this is my journey too and I say this because I think this is what drove me to find the time - finally - to create this community and program was actually living through it myself.

Peri Collective is for you, if you’re experiencing...

  • Difficulty finding reliable peri information
  • ​Frustration with persistent symptoms
  • A sense of your body working against you
  • ​Unfamiliarity with your own body
  • ​Distrust of your brain's signals
  • ​Decreased quality of life due to confusing and debilitating symptoms
  • ​Heightened anxiety, mood swings, and stress struggles
  • Unexplained weight fluctuations and resistance
  • ​Hair thinning or loss
  • ​Intense PMS and heavier periods
  • ​Insomnia, fatigue, and lack of focus
  • ​Hot flashes & night sweats
  • ​Severe headaches and migraines
  • ​Very low libido, often using "having a headache" as an excuse

AND you…

  • Have researched so much and feel you may know even more about what you’re dealing with and possible solutions than your doctor, …your doctor doesn’t truly listen and won’t offer the help you are advocating for
  • ​Are disheartened because you’ve been offered anti-depressants but you know there may be a hormonal component that is yet to be uncovered or treated
  • ​Are frustrated because you’re battling insomnia but don’t want to be on or get addicted to sleeping pills

The bottom line is that women are simply not 
getting the care, attention, time or direction 
that we need and deserve.

I’m on a mission to change that 
experience for every woman.

After the Program, You’ll be Able to...

  • ​shift to a positive mindset and are ready to embrace midlife with a confident and positive vision for yourself
  • ​have a deeper understanding of what’s going on in your body and brain during perimenopause
  • ​are more comfortable in your skin and at home in your body – feel like YOU again!
  • ​are less tired and sweaty (yay!)
  • ​have more stable moods and better mental focus (buh-bye brain fog!)
  • ​have a fired-up metabolism so it’s easier to maintain a healthy body weight
  • ​are more confident, knowledgeable and empowered to make important health decisions
  • ​are more willing and eager to embrace this time of transformation and change to elevate yourself to an even stronger, healthier, happier version of you


I’ve put my all into creating this powerful 5-week online program that takes you on a journey from feeling like you’ve lost your health to not only regaining control but feeling like yourself again.

In Peri Collective, I share the latest research, evidence-based information, resources and clinical anecdotes from my 15+ years of experience.

My mission is to provide YOU with a solution — a true path forward.

Every woman in my community is at the peak of their life and juggling some combination of impressive careers, elderly parents, relationships, and kids… and frankly, they’re maxed out with bandwidths that are far surpassed.

Meanwhile, their health is crumbling and the lack of clear direction, knowledge and support is scary. There is a horrible feeling; a sense of losing control — kind of like you’re standing in quicksand with no shovel. 

Or perhaps you’re feeling defeated as if you’ve tried everything. You’ve talked to your doctor many times but have gotten exactly nowhere. 

I would be willing to bet you’re also extremely over all the mixed messages and rabbit holes of (mis)information on the internet… It’s enough to drive us all bonkers.

If this resonates with you, then come with me on the Peri Collective journey; it will change your health and your life.

So what is Peri Collective?

This comprehensive 5-week online program is for ambitious women, at some stage of perimenopausal transition, who don’t want to suffer anymore AND want to elevate their health to an even higher level than before. 

Imagine going FROM feeling like a confused, sleep-deprived, anxious, sluggish, hot mess with a low mood and no sex drive to…

…Being reliably informed about not only what is happening to your body, but what you can do to effectively regain control of your health and life


The program is broken down into 9 beautifully bite-sized modules that teach you about…

  • Embracing the significance of evidence-based supplements & herbs
  • ​Differentiating between essential and non-essential lab tests
  • ​Gaining valuable insights about Menopause Hormone Therapy (HRT)
  • ​Navigating the influence of environmental factors on hormones
  • ​Adapting your nutrition to support your body's changes
  • ​Collaborating with your evolving metabolism and cycle, not opposing them
  • ​Exercising more effectively based on your body's responses during this life phase
  • Benefiting from a community of like-minded women striving for optimal health
  • ​Cultivating a positive perspective on midlife and the aging process

Essentially you come out with both a fantastic education on midlife women’s health and a solid, solutions-driven, evidence-based health plan. What is not to love about that..!?

Here’s a sneak peek of our modules:

Module 1

What IS perimenopause & what is happening to my body & brain?

Module 2

Metabolic Management: facts on weight, nutrition & movement

Module 3

Critical Nutrients: foundational basics for a successful peri journey

Module 4

Lab Investigations: what do we truly need (and what do we not?)

Module 5

HRT: the Critical Role of Hormone Replacement Therapy in Perimenopause; Evidence vs hype

Module 6

The Stress-Peri Connection: how adrenal (stress) health impacts our transition

Module 7

Xenoestrogens: how everyday chemicals are f*cking with your hormones & making things far worse than they have to be (and how to get rid of them)

Module 8

The Hero’s Journey: the mystical and the powerful bits to be found in Perimenopause

Module 9

The Grand Finale: How to Advocate for Yourself + Solutions Summary


  • ​Once a week for 5-weeks I will teach 2 modules per session in a live private Zoom
  • ​Those who attend live will have the opportunity to connect with me for the 20-30 min Q&A sessions at the end of the sessions
  • ​Lifetime access to the full program including the presentations of every module, zoom recordings (but not the Q&As, they will not be recorded for privacy reasons), and handouts
  • ​Most modules have handouts with either action tasks or resources or both

Together we can prevent, support, and treat the health issues associated with perimenopause that are entirely avoidable. The transition is natural ladies, but suffering is OPTIONAL.

But here’s what you’re REALLY getting from the Peri Collective program experience…

You’ll shift to a pro-aging narrative that empowers you to feel strong, beautiful, worth it and grateful as you transit into and through middle life, and you’ll learn how to find joy and inspiration from optimizing your physical, mental & emotional health.

Simply put… you will feel empowered.

The reality is that perimenopause is an inflection point and can be a time of great vulnerability. 

(This is one of the reasons that I’m so passionate about working with this demographic!)

The truth is that the decisions you make about your health now will impact you in the years to come — through and beyond menopause. 

So I encourage you to take charge of your health trajectory! And I’m here to help you every step of the way.

Introductory Pricing

Regularly $497
only $397 today
($997 value!)


    When does it start?
    Wednesday, April 24, 2024
    What time are the Zoom sessions each week
    (x 5 weeks)?
    Wednesdays at 7:00 pm ET (Apr 24 - May 22)
    How does it work?
    For 5 weeks, the 9-module program will be delivered live via once-weekly Zoom sessions with dedicated time at the end for Q&A. 

    You will have lifetime access to the presentations for each module, the action tasks and the Zoom session recordings.
    How is the program accessed and materials delivered?
    When you purchase Peri Collective you’ll be sent a welcome email that explains how it works and given the link to the drive where the program lives. 

    Each of the 5 weeks you’ll be sent the Zoom link to join our session, and each Zoom session is recorded and saved in the drive. At each session, I will present the module, and at the end, we save a decent amount of time for Q&A. 

    Please note: The Q&A part will not be recorded for privacy reasons and is where some of the most valuable information comes through, so it’s worth it to be live in the sessions. The sharing is really magical.
    What if I miss a Zoom session?
    No problem. While you’ll miss the opportunity for the Q & A at the end of the session (which isn’t recorded due to privacy), you can access the session recording in the drive as they’re added shortly after each live session.
    Do I have to follow a special diet, take certain supplements, or take HRT?
    No. I present the information, but you do not have to do any of it - this is educational, not prescriptive. 

    BUT… if you do many of the things I teach, it will surely help you. This is like a manual but what each woman needs is somewhat unique.
    Any money-back guarantee?
    No. This is an educational program that can help you achieve your health goals, not a prescription. You’re given the materials and have lifetime access, and the program will be updated periodically due to emerging research.
    Is this program covered by my benefits?
    No. Insurance benefits do not cover Naturopathic Programs. However, they do cover 1-1 appointments. 

    Ready to get back to feeling like YOU again?
    (And say “I’m baaaacckk!!!” to the reflection in the mirror?)

    Well, you’re in the right place, and in very good company!

    With evidence-based knowledge, targeted actionable solutions, and unmatched 
    support — you will be empowered to not only take control during this challenging 
    phase of life but move the dial on your overall health.

    Special Introductory Pricing

    Regularly $497
    only $397 today
    ($997 value!)

      ** Reserve your spot TODAY in the 5-week online Peri Collective program **